My story

My name is Rocsi, and I help women simplify healing their hormones.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid autoimmune condition, a 14cm cyst on my left ovary, and a pituitary tumor. The tumor was the culprit, alongside my gut imbalances, for releasing a cascade of hormones and making my cycles excruciating, raising my cortisol level to 10x its normal range & leaving me without energy.

Through knowledge of how to harness the power of my hormones, and by leveraging nutrition, I healed.

But not without years of doctor visits constantly pushing for the birth control pill as the solution to my hormonal imbalances and dozens of conversations where I was dismissed and reduced to ‘your blood tests look normal’.

What became clear to me over time is that we need a new paradigm that encompasses a shift from the previous mindset from 'we treat it when it’s bad enough that it shows in tests' to ‘let's be proactive and preventive so that we don't suffer with symptoms needlessly for years’.

My commitment to helping women find their root cause comes from a decade of my struggles & knowing firsthand that it is possible to reclaim health. My mission is to teach and empower women to feel safe and at home in their hormonal bodies.


Ever since I was a teenager, my periods were painful, so much so that for the better part of a decade, I was a frequent patient in the emergency room, looking for pain relief. Convinced that this was normal, a belief which was further cemented by seeing women around me go through the same, I did not pay much attention and powered through the pain month after month.

At 16, I had my first visit to the OBGYN. He told me my ovaries were ‘full of cysts’ and prescribed the birth control pill to help me get rid of them. My doctor said this could ‘cure’ my painful periods as well. I was over the moon, started taking the pill, and my painful periods were finally regular and pain-free, just like that. Magic.

3 years into taking the birth control pill, I started having panic attacks, and my gut problems from my early teens were creeping up once again. Something was no longer working.


After 5 years on the birth control pill, I was feeling depressed, and anxious, could barely find foods I could tolerate, and my panic attacks were running and ruining my life.

I had a hunch that the birth control pill might have something to do with it, and after diving into the research, it turned out I was right. At that point, I decided to quit the pill and start therapy to support my questionable mental health and find answers to my panic attacks.

After 2 months, my periods were back, more painful than ever, crippling my life 2-3 days every month and running the show. I saw about 10 doctors, all advising me to get ‘back on the birth control pill’ orhave a baby’ to cure the excruciating monthly pain. But I knew there was more I could do, so I took matters into my own hands.


I dived deep into the world of hormones and nutrition and I took that knowledge with me to every doctor’s appointment. Unfortunately, I was mocked for daring to have a conversation, shamed for fighting for myself, and dismissed as I did not have a medical degree so I ‘could not possibly know better’.

I did not allow anyone to tell me my hunch that something was wrong was insignificant and after years of trying, I found a doctor who was willing to listen. She was open to hearing the question I’ve been carrying with me for almost a decade ‘Why is this happening to me’ and exploring the root cause.

I finally had my diagnosis: an autoimmune condition, a 14 cm cyst on my ovaries, and a pituitary tumor.

I dived even further into natural solutions I can engage to support my healing by reading hundreds of articles, filling my bookcase with every hormone education book I could get my hands on, and spending every free second testing, trialing, and writing down what was and what wasn’t working.

After receiving my certified nutritionist diploma and applying my arsenal of knowledge, I reversed my thyroid autoimmune condition, healed my painful periods, and regained my energy and joy for life.


Looking back on my journey, I realise how privileged and lucky I was to persevere in my mission, and I acknowledge that this is not a happy ending every woman gets when it comes to her health struggles.

Women are often overlooked and dismissed when reaching out for help or given quick fixes. As you know, I experienced this firsthand for a decade.

This is why I made it my mission to simplify women’s hormone healing journeys. By learning how to harness the power of your hormones, with proper knowledge and through leveraging nutrition, you can heal too. You don’t have to accept your debilitating symptoms as your new normal and you don’t have to feel confused as to where to start first.

There is a better way. My mission is to teach and empower you to feel safe and at home in your beautiful hormonal body.

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